Monday, December 12, 2016

Trim horrible trim...

So the thing about wood trim is that you want it to have solid cover, but you can't just roll it with the big roller.

You can do a lot with the foam rollers to get a nice coating on the flat parts, but it all still has to be painted all over, including against the wall. This room has SO MUCH TRIM!!! So I gave in, used a roll of blue tape. 

Despite using a paint with primer in it the trim needs a good four coats to get a really good cover. This has taken a week so far. Granted I took a couple days off in there to do the bathroom... but still. 

Also, after trying to get the closet doors off to paint them with a paint sprayer, I decided that for now I will just leave them off entirely. In order to get them down I had to remove the track, the old school rollers just would not come out no matter how much I googled and tried. 

Which means I also have to paint the interiors of the closets at some point... 

Sigh. So much to paint in such a small room!!! 

The highlight of this week was accidentally knocking over an entire gallon of primer. 

Yeah, I did that! 

This, my friends, is why you ALWAYS do the floors LAST!!! Thanks dog I have old sticky tile that I am not keeping...   

Once I scooped up as much of the paint as I could I used the floor like a paint pan and painted another coat on everything. 

Since the can was bent I had to find new storage for it. The green paint in the rest of the room was almost gone so I made my usual Mason jar of touch up paint and put the primer in the green can. Since it is just primer that little bit of tint won't matter much in the future and I refuse to waste paint! 

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