Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Due to the humidity here I have had to have multiple projects running at the same time. Namely, because things have to dry and it takes forever.

So lets move to the bathroom while the sewing room dries...

Due to my lack of a decent camera (long story, I was supposed to be getting one as a gift months ago... I am still waiting.) I have very few pictures of the before.

Let's just say, it wasn't purely offensive, but not good either.

So, when my grandfather built the house he put in a classic tile mosaic that is still in great shape. It is a sort of pink/orange color with some brown. It is an odd color but I like it.

Over the years when repairs and updates were needed there were numerous attempts to match it.

Listen close to design 101. NEVER TRY TO MATCH IT!  It is almost never possible to do this well. It just doesn't work. So what I have is one bathroom with baby vomit tan tile and another with a pale pink that is just enough off from the floor that it makes me twitchy.

This back bathroom is the baby vomit tan.

To add to this, 5 years ago, another attempt was made to match... by painting the walls in baby diarrhea tan. It is a similar tan, but slightly different.

The cabinet is not so bad except the sink is sinking which is letting water go into the back of the cabinet and the walls by the shower have some water damage... from Dog knows where. 

So I started the funnest part of any renovation, tearing out all the crap. 

Behind the laminate was the old wallpaper. That was the wallpaper I remember being up for my entire life. So bad...yet so familiar and homey to me. 

Behind the wallpaper we have the layers of the 1940s and 1950s  and some fun water damage! 

I love this. Apparently there has always been some sort of shelf over the toilet... and Pop Pop got lazy when painting..

See you next time for the changes!

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