Monday, August 7, 2017

Change to our cast of characters.

There have been some changes to the four legged team I work with.

Kesha, circa 2005

First, little old lady Kesha is gone. Poor little thing was just frail and seemed to be in pain, when I took her to the vet they agreed she was very sick, so she is now gone. The new yard cemetery has bricks and fluffy plants so it is well marked. I learned the hard way many years ago. ALWAYS mark where you bury pets. Remembering incorrectly and then going to plant something is very very traumatic...

I had Kesha for 14 years, it is strange not hearing her chirp or having here cuddle up and silently fart on me everyday, but I know I did the right thing.

What happened next?

We have a new cast member!

In May there was a notice on about a found dog. Having grown up with a Yorkie I watched the drama unfold as people tried to match this bald lost little stinker to an owner.

He was a MESS! But with some food and baths they said he was super loving and sweet. So I offered to foster him. He is about the same age and size as Monkey. 

The first few weeks were rough. If he had ever been housetrained...he forgot it. His skin conditions made him STINK! 

Monkey was jealous, cats were being terrorized... and he is an escape artist, forcing me to rebuild the fence I have... multiple times. (and I still have to do another alteration since he keeps figuring out more escapes. He can jump over a 4 foot fence! I wish I was kidding... )

Once he started learning he managed to really win me over. More importantly he won Monkey over. They are now brothers from another mother.

And now he has HAIR!

His favorite activity is to sit and stare at me...
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